Project MCWBK

StartProject MCWBK

Project financed from the state budget by the Medical Research Agency, selected within the framework of the Competition to support the creation and development of Clinical Research Support Centers, call number: ABM/2020/3

Multi-disciplinary Clinical Research Support Center at MUG-UCC (MCWBK)

Project number: 2020/ABM/03/00026

Description of Project
The establishment of the Multi-disciplinary Clinical Research Support Center at MUG-UCC (MCWBK) is aimed at consolidating activities aimed at developing a path increasing the quality of commercial and non-commercial clinical trials and increasing the availability to new therapies and treatment regimens for patients.
MCWBK will be a place dedicated to the implementation of commercial and non-commercial research, as well as research projects financed from funds awarded in a competition procedure by foreign institutions or international organizations. MCWBK will also strive to create an academic CRO structure, whose primary task will be to support academic research, but also to cooperate with entrepreneurs who can act as sponsors of commercial research.
MCWBK will be able to meet the needs of supporting scientific initiatives organized in the form of clinical trials throughout the region.
In order to create a common infrastructure and organization forming the Clinical Research Support Center, adaptation and modernization works have been planned. Providing the highest quality of services will be possible thanks to the multidisciplinary clinical care of an experienced research team and the use of the latest technologies and research tools. The clinical trial management system and parameterization systems for key elements of clinical trials will increase the effectiveness of research teams’ work and reduce explanatory inquiries from research sponsors. The solution will ensure high quality of services and control of diagnostic processes, and the investment in a computer program integrated with the hospital system for remote monitoring of MCWBK non-commercial studies will set a high bar for competing entities.

Implementation period: 01.12.2021 – 30.11.2026

Value of funding: 10 438 455,92 PLN
Total cost of the project: 10 438 455,92 PLN